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Business Management & Marketing
Disaster Management and Resilience (Distance)
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Disaster Management and Resilience (Distance)

Coventry University
 1350 Points
1 Year

Program Description

Natural disasters and armed conflict have existed in human existence throughout history. Disaster Management and Resilience MSc can develop your existing skills to help you manage risk and respond to disasters, food insecurity and conflict.

If you are interested in careers focused on disaster intervention or are a current practitioner seeking to update your knowledge in disaster management, humanitarian assistance, capacity building and disaster risk reduction, this specialist master’s course encompasses up-to-date thinking in disaster theory, management policy, strategy and practice in the in the developing and developed world.

Disaster management has been taught at Coventry for over 20 years and this postgraduate course covers the advanced research skills, knowledge and management expertise, to deal effectively with future disasters, encouraging you to adopt a strategic and holistic perspective. It aims to develop your expertise and capacity to identify, analyse, interpret and manage risk and disaster issues successfully focusing on less economically developed contexts across the world, focusing on sustainable solutions and building community resilience.

Entry Requirements

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Disaster Risk, Resilience, Adaptation and Sustainability

Training and Exercise Design and Delivery

Resilience, Security and Emerging Technologies

Community Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience


Previous graduates have gone to work here in the UK and in countries all over the world, including Denmark, Finland, Germany, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, the United States and Canada.

Some have taken up roles as:

  • planning officers
  • emergency planners
  • international humanitarian coordinator
  • disaster risk reduction analysts
  • deployable emergency response managers
  • emergency services
  • public administration
  • research and lecturing within education

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