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Bachelor's in Georgia - Universities, Programs and Degrees

Explore Bachelor's in Georgia. Find top programs and degrees. Apply online through Brive, get a free application review and achieve higher acceptance rates on your top university choices.

Bachelor's in Georgia - Universities, Programs and Degrees

(12 Programs)
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Field of Study
Business Management & Marketing
Computer Science & IT
Engineering Sciences
Journalism & Media
Medicine & Health
Social Sciences & Psychology
Degree Type
On campus
2 - 3 Years
3 - 4 Years
> 4 Years
Course Language
Tuition Fee
€1,000.00 - €5,000.00
€5,000.00 - €10,000.00
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Dental Medicine (Major)

European University

Tbilisi, Georgia
Major in Dental Medicine
5 Years

Business Administration

East European University

Tbilisi, Georgia
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
4 Years

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Why study for a Bachelor’s degree in Georgia?

Georgia‘s universities offer quality undergraduate programs in a wide variety of different disciplines with relatively low tuition fees. The country is peaceful and full of beautiful natural landscapes, which makes it ideal for anyone who wants to relax and focus on their studies.

Pursuing your bachelor’s degree in Georgia will allow you to get quality education at an affordable cost and experience a calm and truly unique student life.

Cost of Undergraduate Programs in Georgia

The average cost of an undergraduate program in Georgia, for international students, is usually between GEL5,000 and GEL20,000 (about €1,800 - €7,000) per year. This amount is an estimate, as fees may vary considerably depending on the university and the field of study.

Are there any Undergraduate scholarships for international students in Georgia?

If you want to reduce the cost of your undergraduate studies, you can apply for a scholarship. You can get one either directly from the university you attend or from other public or private organizations.

The scholarships offered are usually aimed at students with limited financial resources or exceptional academic performance and cover part of the tuition fees and, sometimes, the full cost of attendance.

By applying to universities through Brive, you have the chance to get one of our scholarships.

Are there any Undergraduate programs in Georgia taught in English?

Many universities in Georgia offer English-taught undergraduate programs and welcome international students. So, if you want to study in Georgia you can do so without having to learn the local language.

What are the basic entry requirements of Undergraduate Programs in Georgia?

The basic entry requirements for undergraduate programs are a high school diploma and a recent certificate of English language proficiency, such as IELTS or TOEFL. Of course, in order to be accepted you need to meet the minimum GPA requirements set by the university.

To study in Georgia, you’ll need a valid passport and a student visa.

How to apply to an Undergraduate Program in Georgia?

Once you have gathered the necessary qualifications and documents, you can apply to the undergraduate program of your choice. Each university follows a different application procedure, but there is also an alternative.

By applying through Brive, you have access to personalized guidance throughout the process and can submit your application to the programs of your preference with just one click. You can also gain benefits such as exclusive scholarships and tuition fee discounts to lower the cost of your studies.

Schedule a free counseling session with one of our certified counselors, discover the programs that align with your interests and goals in universities all over the world, and get ready to pursue your dreams!

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