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Computer Science & IT
Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (MSci)
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Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (MSci)

Coventry University
On campus
 1115 Points
4 Years

Program Description

With high profile incidents like the WannaCry and Petya ransomware attacks making headlines in 2017, there is an increasing demand for highly trained individuals who can advise businesses and organisations, government and law enforcement agencies alike on the best ways to protect their computer networks and the valuable, commercially sensitive information stored within them.

The specialist skills and knowledge to thoroughly test the security of computer systems, make them secure and investigate properly if they are compromised are not typically taught within a standard computer science course. In contrast, our course has been developed to provide a good practical and theoretical understanding of cybersecurity, hacking, digital forensics and the underlying computer science.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Legal and Ethical Foundations in Cyber Security

Digital Forensics Fundamentals

Programming and Algorithms

Introduction to Web Development and Database Systems

Skills Development

Foundations of Cyber Security

Computer Systems and Networks

The Security Professional

Year 2

Programming and Algorithms

Practical Pen-Testing


Applied Forensics

Skills Development

Web Security

Platforms and Operating Systems

Cyber Security Careers

Year 3

Security Audit and Monitoring

Managing Red Teams and Pen-Tests

Skills Development

Practical Cryptography

Reverse Engineering

Security Management

Exploit Development

Cyber Security Project

Year 4

Secure Design and Development


Automotive Cyber Security

Artificial Neural Networks

Digital Security Risk and Audit Management

Security of Emerging Connected Systems

Cyber Security Research Project


Previous graduates have found employment in:

  • ethical hacking and penetration testing roles
  • malware and software security analysis
  • telecoms security
  • digital forensics and evidence gathering
  • network and security administration within organisations
  • government organisations
  • insurance companies

Others have gone on to pursue more general computing careers in other areas of IT.


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