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Social Sciences & Psychology
Master in Psychology Conversion (MSc) - Middlesex University
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Master in Psychology Conversion (MSc) - Middlesex University

Middlesex University
On campus
 2103 Points
1 Year

Program Description

You may have a degree in another subject but wish to change careers or pursue psychology interests in more depth. Students are introduced to a broad range of theoretical and methodological approaches to psychology, through the Master in Psychology Conversion (MSc). They are encouraged to develop a critical approach to studies, evaluating theory and evidence accordingly.

The Master in Psychology Conversion (MSc) has been developed to impart the advanced knowledge required to serve your interests and career aspirations. You will benefit from the dedicated and enthusiastic staff's experience. The program is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) which means you'll gain Graduate Basis of Chartered Membership once you complete this master's course.

By the end of the Master in Psychology Conversion (MSc), you will be prepared to perform quantitative and qualitative data analyses and use statistical software to analyze complex data. You will design, implement, analyze and communicate independent and group project work to an advanced level. This will culminate in a dissertation on an agreed topic. You will also be able to design and run experiments to gather and interpret data. You will have gained knowledge of the core areas of psychology and be able to apply research skills across domains.

Entry Requirements

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Research: Practice and Reporting

To provide students with an opportunity for an in-depth, advanced study in a specific area of applied psychology, pertinent to the degree for which they are registered, guided by, but largely independent of, tutor support. To enable students to apply appropriate principles of empirical research to an issue of their choice within the subject area of their degree registration.

To enable students to present their research study in the form of a written thesis, using appropriate styles and conventions.

Brain, Body and Mind

This module aims to give you an overview of the biological bases of behaviour and the cognitive approach to psychology. After initial study of the anatomy physiology of the nervous system, attention is focused on aspects of behaviour that have a clear biological component.

Through a series of psychophysiology lab sessions, you will investigate specific central and peripheral nervous system variables and their relation to behaviour. In the second half of the module, the nature of the cognitivist approach to psychology will be outlined and key theories relating to major cognitive faculties explored. Understanding of these is enhanced through a series of interactive seminars.

Research and Issues in Applied Psychology

The aim of the module is to provide an intellectual setting within which students can both develop a fuller appreciation of substantive areas of applied psychology and improve their practical and analytical skills.

The main aim is to direct students to develop an appreciation of the controversies and issues related to traditional and contemporary research, ethical issues, and up-to-date knowledge in the domain of applied psychology such as neuropsychology, infertility, sports and exercise and literacy acquisition.

Advanced Research Methods

This module conforms with the statistics and methodology requirements of the British Psychological Society s Graduate Basis for Registration. The module enables students to understand critically evaluate psychological research to understand how research design relates to research questions.

It provides students with advanced skills in a variety of statistical analyses and enables them to conduct ethical psychological research at masters level utilising quantitative and qualitative methods. It provides skills in interpretation critical discussion of published psychological research. It prepares students for their dissertation and enables them to choose appropriate methodologies and analyses for research.

Social, Personality and Individual Differences

The module aims to develop the depth and breadth of students understanding of theory and research in social psychology and personality psychology. Central themes and concerns in both areas are discussed through the delivery requirements of the BPS Qualifying Syllabus.


There are strong employment prospects for Psychology graduates and salaries in this field are excellent. The range of professional skills that psychology graduates develop ensures that they are highly valued across the economy.

The MSc is accredited by the British Psychological Society and successful completion of the programme to the required standard provides students with GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership) with the society. This is a requirement for students wishing to apply for BPS accredited masters courses in a variety of specialist areas in psychology. As such the MSc Psychology (conversion) provides a solid foundation for a career in psychology.

Graduates from this programme will have the opportunity to develop the skills of data research, critical analysis, oral, written and visual communication, reasoned debate, understanding theoretical concepts, and policy analysis. These are highly transferrable and are valued by employers across all sectors.


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