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Computer Science & IT
Control Systems and Computer Science in Engineering
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Control Systems and Computer Science in Engineering

Moscow Aviation Institute
On campus
 1271 Points
2 Years

Program Description

Do you want to study automatic control engineering, sensor technologies, and robotics? To be a high-profile professional, a creator of modern avionics, electronic devices of any complexity, human-to-machine interfaces or synthetic vision systems? Moscow Aviation Institute introduces a unique program combining deep theoretical knowledge with studying of the most advanced solutions in control system design and electrical engineering.

The curriculum is based on a combination of theoretical subjects with case -study of advanced solutions in control systems design and electrical engineering applied in modern hi-tech industry.

Entry Requirements

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Principal Subjects

Program includes practical training on design and manufacturing of modern IT-systems.

Special attention is paid on specialized fields of mathematics applied in control systems engineering and electrical engineering for real-time operating devices.

Students acquire knowledge of various techniques for development of avionics, sensor devices as well as computing and control units.

The curriculum contains courses on all modern types of CAD software used in electrical engineering


Modern Problems in Control Theory

Special Tasks in Mathematics

Foreign Language - 3

Object Oriented Programming

Applied Programming

Scientific Seminar of Technical Systems Control

Mathematical Modelling on Control Systems and Objects

Electric&Mechanical Systems

Sensor Technologies

Piloting & Navigation Systems

Avionics Systems Engineering

Avionics Modules CAD Technologies

Control Systems Modules CAD Technologies

Technical Vision Systems

Learning Technical Systems

Flight Safety Technical Means

Critical Modes Prevention Systems

Control Systems Electronic Devices Modelling

Secondary Power Sources

Research Practice

Pedagogical Practice

Pre-Graduation Practice

Research in semester


Graduates of the program gain profound knowledge, experience and practical skills that give them extensive career opportunities in all high-demand fields of modern hi-tech industries, such as:

  • Aerospace corporations
  • Projects focused on industrial control systems, mainframe manufacturing, grid computing
  • Oil and gas companies
  • Automakers
  • Biomedical projects

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