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Business Management & Marketing
Master in Business Development (MSc) - University of Pecs
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Master in Business Development (MSc) - University of Pecs

University of Pecs
On campus
 520 Points
2 Years
Apply date
Sep 2024
Start date
Feb 2025

Reduced Tuition Fees

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Program Description

The objective of the master in Business Development (MSc) is to develop your knowledge of the methods of screening, analyzing, planning, and executing the development process of an entrepreneurial venture. Beyond theoretical knowledge, students’ skills are advanced in order to enable them to work efficiently in teams, detect and seek opportunities, and transform opportunities into executable solutions that can serve as new products and services for the enterprise.

In the master in Business Development (MSc), students get acquainted with the process of innovation and work on practical problems in an open innovation environment with social and economic stakeholders in order to make difference in the socio-economic environment.

Students interact throughout their studies with other student groups from other universities using state-of-the-art multimedia facilities to learn the application of the info-communication solutions of the 21st century. They also work on social problems to experience social entrepreneurship activities.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

Innovation and Innovation Management

Entrepreneurship and Business Model Generation

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Semester 2

Entrepreneurial Finance

Project Management

Advanced Marketing Research

Year 2

Semester 3

Start-up Development

Applied Venture Valuation


Semester 4

Practicum: SME development

Strategic Management

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