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Business Management & Marketing
Culinary Business Management (MA) - Culinary (Switzerland)
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Culinary Business Management (MA) - Culinary (Switzerland)

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
Le BouveretSwitzerland
On campus
 600 Points
1 Year
Start date
Oct 2024

Program Description

The master in Culinary Business Management (MA) is geared towards career changers, food and beverage entrepreneurs, and culinary enthusiasts, acquiring relevant managerial skills, developing your own food concepts, creating recipe books, and developing a business plan.

Entry Requirements

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Term 1

Food Culture and Culinary Trends

Leadership and People Management

Revenue and Performance Analysis in the Culinary Industry

Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Ethics

Strategic Management in the Culinary Industry

Culinary Fundamentals and Food Safety

French or German

Term 2

Creativity and Innovation

Events and Catering Management

Advanced Marketing for the Culinary Industry

Research Methods

Food Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up

International Cuisines

French or German

Consultancy project or formulation of business plan
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