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Law & Politics
Criminology (Inequality and Social Justice) - Sunderland
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Criminology (Inequality and Social Justice) - Sunderland

University of Sunderland
On campus
 1797 Points
3 Years
Apply date
Jun 2025
Start date
Sep 2025

Program Description

The bachelor in Criminology (Inequality and Social Justice) (BSc) specializes in criminological issues which intersect with social inequalities such as gender, sex, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. A strong emphasis is placed on social justice, such as persecution, exploitation, and discrimination, issues that, more often than not, escape conventional notions of criminal justice.

The bachelor in Criminology (Inequality and Social Justice) (BSc) emphasizes the development of detailed knowledge and critical awareness of theoretical and empirical relationships between power, inequalities, and social change, especially in relation to the impact of globalization, global and local issues regarding diversity, discrimination, and human rights, and theories and practices of exploitation, hatred, and persecution in relation to issues such as homophobia and sex work.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Criminology: Theories, Trends, and Myths

Criminal Justice: Theory and Practice

Optional Courses:
The Youth Paradox: Criminological Perspectives of Young People
Victims/Survivors: Rights and Redress
Social Inequalities in Society
Social Policy in Action

Year 2

Theoretical Perspectives: Crime, Harm, and Social Justice

Offender Rehabilitation and Risk Management

Optional Courses:
Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice
Researching Society: Private, Public, and Third Sector Organisations
Researching Society with Placement
Social Science Research and Inquiry
Gender, Diversity and Human Rights: Global Perspectives

Year 3

New Horizons in Crime and Justice

Optional Courses:
Selling Sex: Theory, Policy, and Practice
Pathologising Crime: Disability, Confinement, and Justice
Social Science Dissertation
Social Science Work-Based Dissertation
From Witchcraft to Homophobia: The Sociology of Hatred and Persecution
‘Race’ and Racialisation in Society

Jobs - Careers

  • Criminal Justice Sector
  • Policing
  • Probation
  • Youth Justice
  • Fields of Education
  • Working with Vulnerable Adults
  • Victim Support
  • Roles within the Government

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