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Engineering Sciences
Engineering (Associate)
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Engineering (Associate)

Ohlone College (Fremont)
Fremont, CaliforniaUSA
On campus
 1373 Points
2 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

The Associate in Science in Engineering offered by Ohlone College is designed to prepare students for studying Engineering at most universities. The core courses required in the Associate in Science in Engineering will fulfill the lower division requirements for most campuses of the UC and CSU systems.

This program will enable students to develop a strong foundation in engineering, physics, and mathematics. Furthermore, the theoretical knowledge and laboratory skills acquired by students in this program will also enhance their success in obtaining entry-level jobs that require two years of college-level science and math. Since some curriculum requirements may vary among transfer universities, it is imperative that students entering Ohlone's Associate in Science degree program in Engineering meet with a counselor at the start of their academic work.

Counselors will assist students in preparing a Student Education Plan that will prepare them to transfer to the university of their choice.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Core Courses

Object-Oriented Programming Using C++

Introduction to Engineering

Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Differential Equations


Electricity and Magnetism

Optics, Heat, and Modern Physics

Choose two of the following:
Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Electric Circuit Analysis
Materials Engineering

Learning Outcomes

  • Employ general principles, theories, concepts, and/or formulas in the solution of problems.
  • Conduct engineering lab project; use laboratory materials properly and safely; carefully note results in an engineering project report; and describe the results clearly for others.
  • Participate effectively as team members in group projects: working cooperatively with others, accepting diverse views, encouraging active participation of others, dealing productively with conflict, and taking leadership roles as the need arises to accomplish the group’s objective.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the engineering profession.

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