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Business Management & Marketing
Bachelor in Management (Grande Ecole) - IESEG (Paris)
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Bachelor in Management (Grande Ecole) - IESEG (Paris)

IESEG School of Management (Paris)
On campus
3 Years

Merit-based Scholarship for Grande Ecole Program

IESEG School of Management offers a 50% scholarship for this program. Apply now through Brive.

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Program Description

The bachelor in Management (Grande Ecole) is organized by semester with pedagogical objectives and a specific identity corresponding to each semester, one of which is dedicated to international experience.

Each semester, with the exception of the international experience semester, is characterized by at least one interdisciplinary project. This allows students to put into practice acquired knowledge and skills.

In terms of content, the bachelor in Management (Grande Ecole) puts a focus on current topics such as social responsibility, ethics, the environment, entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, coding, big data, the impact of technology, sociology, etc.

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Entry Requirements

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Objectives of the Program

  • Accompany each student in a personalized way.
  • Facilitate students’ overall development with skill and knowledge acquisition.
  • Help students grow in intercultural, ethical and responsibility dimensions.
  • Enable students to acquire a solid knowledge base in the fundamental disciplines of management and economics.


Year 1

Induction Period


Responsibility Seminar

IT Skills

Refresher courses

Semester 1

Business Exploration


Economical Environment

Collective and Relational Efficiency

Consumer Decision-Making Process

Capstone Project: Investigating Business

Semester 2



Project Management

Governance and Risk Management


Capstone Project: Developing a solidarity project

Year 2

Semester 3

Marketing Management

Imperfectly Competitive Markets

Trademark Law

Econometrics and Data Analysis

Cost Accounting

Capstone Project: Designing and implementing a new offering on a market

Semester 4

Management Control

Sustainability and Business

Managing Resources

Financial Analysis

Philosophy for Managers

Capstone Project: managing for PPP (People, Planet, Profit)

Year 3

Semester 5

Digital Corporate Finance

Design Thinking

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Company Law

Market Research

Capstone Project: Creating Business

Semester 6

Global Brand Management

International Finance

International Business Law

International HRM

International Business Strategy

Jobs - Careers

  • Business Developer
  • Sales Engineer
  • Account Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Financial Controller
  • Financial Analyst
  • Treasury and Financing Manager
  • Investment Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Traffic Manager
  • Project Leader
  • Marketing and Communication Manager
  • Consultant
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Investment Banking Consultant
  • Risk and Public Procurement

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