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Business Management & Marketing
Bachelor in International Trade - WUE (Warsaw) (Poland)
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Bachelor in International Trade - WUE (Warsaw) (Poland)

Warsaw University of Economics (WUE)
On campus
 1000 Points
3 Years

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Program Description

The Bachelor in International Trade at Warsaw University of Economics (WUE) prepares students to meet all professional challenges. Students will gain skills and qualifications regarding trade organization, financial transactions management, risk, analysis, operation of international exchanges, selling techniques, international trade law and how to secure financial capital.

By choosing the Bachelor in International Trade, students get an opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject of currency transactions, stock quotes, international banking systems and financial institutions. Nowadays, almost every big company establishes contacts with foreign businesses, therefore it is worth preparing properly to build relations with international partners.

Entry Requirements

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Program Outcomes

During the international trade studies, graduates will learn:

  • selling techniques,
  • international trade law,
  • PR methods,
  • ways of managing financial institutions,
  • accounting, finance and international settlements,
  • how to develop a financial strategy.
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