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Social Sciences & Psychology
Master in Sociology (MSc) - University of Aberdeen
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Master in Sociology (MSc) - University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen
On campus
2 Years
Start date
Sep 2024

Program Description

The master in Sociology (MSc) provides an in-depth understanding and training in the use of sociological theory and methodology, with a key focus on the distinct research specialisms of staff in the Department of Sociology.

You will examine classical sociological theory (Marx, Weber, Nietzsche) before moving on to more recent social thought to develop an advanced working knowledge of the most important theoretical tools available to professional social scientists today.

You will also learn the latest advanced qualitative methods social scientists employ, including participant observation, qualitative interviewing, focus groups, diaries, photography and film, and archived data sources.

The master in Sociology (MSc) is designed for you if you have a background in sociology, or if you wish to extend your knowledge of the subject to the postgraduate level. The program is also suitable as a conversion degree for students with little or no previous experience in Sociology.

Entry Requirements

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Stage 1

Advanced Social Theory

Advanced Qualitative Methods in Social Science

Getting Started at the University of Aberdeen

Stage 2

Choose two of the following:
Dimensions of Globalization
The Comparative Study of European Societies
Sex, Gender, Violence: Critical Approaches
Peace and Conflict Studies

Stage 3

Dissertation: Sociology

Jobs - Careers

  • Non-government Organizations
  • Charities
  • Private and Public Sectors
  • Research
  • Academia
  • Consultancy
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