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Social Sciences & Psychology
Master in Psychology (MA) - LIU Brooklyn (Long Island)
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Master in Psychology (MA) - LIU Brooklyn (Long Island)

LIU Brooklyn (Long Island University)
Brooklyn, New YorkUSA
On campus
1 Year
Apply date
Aug 2025

Program Description

The Master in Psychology (MA) is built on a strong core curriculum in general psychology and provides professionals with a broad perspective of psychology, research skills and professional ethics. Advanced courses encourage students to consider current trends and challenges in psychological fields. Supplementing the core curriculum with electives in a variety of specialized areas, the program strengthens professionals’ skills in both psychology theory and practice.

The Master's in Psychology (MA) prepares graduates to work in mental health or human service settings. These settings include mental health care facilities, child welfare and family counseling agencies, institutions for the aged, and other social and community organizations. Graduates are also prepared for admission to advanced psychology programs, such as Ph.D. and Psy.D.

Entry Requirements

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Core Course Requirements:

Contemporary Psychological Theories

Statistical and Research Methodology I

Stastistical and Research Methodology II

Professional Issues and Ethics in Psychology

Psychology Course Requirements:

At least twenty-seven (27) credits from psychology masters courses.

M.A. in Psychology Non-Thesis Option:

Thirty-six (36) total credits required

Non-Thesis Option:

Six (6) additional credits in psychology Written comprehensive examination.

M.A. in Psychology Thesis Option:

Thirty-three (33) total credits required.

Thesis Option:

Three (3) credits from psychology 709M


  • Mental health care facilities
  • Child welfare and family counseling agencies
  • Institutions for the aged
  • Other social and community organizations

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