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Social Sciences & Psychology
Master in Cognitive Science - New Bulgarian University
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Master in Cognitive Science - New Bulgarian University

New Bulgarian University
On campus
1 Year, 6 Months
Apply date
Sep 2025

Program Description

Graduates of the master in Cognitive Science have interdisciplinary training that combines knowledge and skills in cognitive psychology, informatics and cognitive modeling, neurosciences, linguistics, and philosophy, as well as good methodological preparation, experience, and skills for conducting experimental research in cognitive science independently and writing up the results in scientific journals.

In addition, you will receive specialized interdisciplinary training in one of the following areas during the master in Cognitive Science: perception, memory and thinking, language, and development.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

Experimental Methods

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive modeling

Information Processing in the human brain


Language, Thinking, Culture

Foundations of Cognitive Science

Training Courses:
Practicum in Experimental Design
Project: Language, Thinking, Culture
Seminar: Cognitive Psychology
Seminar: Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Seminar: Cognitive models and experiments in Game theory
Seminar: Memory and Analogy Seminar

Semester 2


Introduction to RT experimentation using E-prime

Psychophysiological Studies and Cognitive Processes

Judgment and Decision Making

Attention, Perception, Action

Spatial Cognition and Communication

Training Courses:
Project: Eye-tracking and cognitive processes
Project: E-prime Experiments
Seminar: Modern Approaches in Studies of Human Cognition
Practicum in Visual Perception
Seminar: Summer School in Cognitive Science
High-Level Vision

Year 2

Semester 3

Social Dilemmas and Game Theory

Constructive memory

Cognitive Development

Social Cognition

Concepts and Categorization


Action, Perception, and Language: The Role of the Body in Human Knowledge

Training Courses:

Jobs - Careers

Cognitive Science Specialist in:

  • Advertising Agencies
  • Information Technology Companies
  • Educational Organizations

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