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Social Sciences & Psychology
Master in International Relations (MA) - University of Pecs
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Master in International Relations (MA) - University of Pecs

University of Pecs
On campus
 760 Points
2 Years

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Program Description

The master in International Relations (MA) is an interdisciplinary course addressing global challenges and political and social issues. The goal of the master in International Relations (MA) is not only to train highly qualified experts with a broad education in the social sciences but also to train critical citizens who can understand global policies, uncover political manipulations, and can objectively interpret processes, consider multiple perspectives.

We have a wide range of courses focusing on political processes, electoral systems, and global issues, dealing with developing countries and the growing Asian states, while we also offer a deep insight into the European and Central Eastern European issues.

Entry Requirements

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  • European Studies
  • Regional and Civilization Studies


Year 1

Semester 1

European Paradigm from the Ancient Ages to the Present Day

Globalization, Mundialization

International Political Economy

Semester 2

Modern Political Philosophy

International Business

Foreign Policy of the USA

Year 2

Semester 3

Diplomatic and Consular Relations

Political Geography, Geography of Security

Political Culture – International Cultural Relations

Semester 4

European Monetary Integration

Theory and Practice of Diplomacy in a Global Context

Jobs - Careers

  • Civilisation
  • World Economy
  • International Law
  • Political Science
  • Diplomacy
  • Protocol and Negotiation Techniques

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