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Natural & Applied Sciences
Master in Food Systems and Management (MSc) - Cranfield
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Master in Food Systems and Management (MSc) - Cranfield

Cranfield University
On campus
 4878 Points
1 Year

Program Description

The master in Food Systems and Management (MSc) is developed with and specifically for industry, and is a gateway to a successful career for anyone passionate about improving major worldwide problems such as food security and food safety.

Through the integration of scientific, technological, and managerial aspects (teaching shared with our internationally recognized School of Management, and industry experts) you will learn, in the master in Food Systems and Management (MSc), how to use and manage food resources more efficiently to achieve sustainable, secure, and safe food supply chains across the globe.

Entry Requirements

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Induction module

Quality of Food and Beverages

Postharvest Technology

Food Diagnostics

Food Chain Resilience

Leading Corporate Sustainability

Food Safety and Quality Management and Certification

Agrifood Business Innovation

Jobs - Careers

  • Management
  • Food Innovation
  • Production
  • Logistics
  • Research
  • Academia
  • Retail Sector
  • Food Storage

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