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Natural & Applied Sciences
Beam-Plasma Systems and Technologies
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Beam-Plasma Systems and Technologies

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
On campus
 1232 Points
2 Years

Program Description

This interdisciplinary program is targeted at those who plan to deal with fundamental and applied researches in plasma physics and plasma chemistry associated with advanced technologies.

Beam-plasmas are known to be very effective as the basis of new industrial and environmental technologies, as well as for on-board spacecraft board systems including prolonged space missions support systems. “Plasma medicine” and “Plasma agriculture” are rapidly developing fields of beam- and hybrid-plasma applications.

Students of the Program will not only acquire the knowledge in plasma sciences but gain practical skills in beam-plasma system development, operation and maintenance.

Entry Requirements

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Semester 1

Russian as a Foreign Language

Russian history and culture

Program Orientation Course

Selected sections of general physics

Selected sections of higher mathematics

Selected sections of general and bioorganic chemistry

Selected sections of computer science: special software

Introduction to plasma physics. Electron kinetics

Personal Research project

Semester 2

Russian as a Foreign Language

Gas Dynamics of Combustion

Plasma physics

Plasma technical systems

Selected sections of general physics

Selected sections of higher mathematics

System analysis and simulation of Beam-Plasma Systems

Personal Research project

Semester 3

Russian as a Foreign Language

Beam-Plasma technologies. Part 1. Manufacturing technologies

Plasma chemistry

Personal Research project

Semester 4

Personal Research Project

Beam-Plasma technologies. Part 2. Aerospace technologies


  • Advanced functional materials production
  • CHIP-s, micro and nanodevices especially based on graphene
  • Environment protection and resource-saving technologies
  • Plasma medicine and health care
  • Plasma agriculture and biomass processing
  • Alternative energy technologies
  • Aerospace technologies

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