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Medicine & Health
Foundations in Clinical Psychology (MSc) - ARU (Cambridge)
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Foundations in Clinical Psychology (MSc) - ARU (Cambridge)

Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge)
On campus
 2705 Points
1 Year

Program Description

The Master in Foundations in Clinical Psychology (MSc) course at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is geared to take students closer to their career goals. Its relevance is grounded in learning from research-active staff, with guest lectures from practicing clinical psychology lecturers.

The Master in Foundations in Clinical Psychology (MSc) is ideal for those who are looking to pursue a career as a qualified psychologist, or in related mental health areas, as it gives students the preparation they need for further clinical psychology training.

Students will learn to assess and understand the complex issues many people living with mental health problems suffer from, examining ways to help manage these and find appropriate treatment. They will graduate with both the theoretical knowledge and practical tools to work within mental health services and clinical psychology, as well as be equipped with the skills to apply scientific and research methods.

• Tuition fees for students who have citizens' rights after Brexit: £10,000

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Issues in Scientific Research

Mental Health and Distress: Approaches to Assessment and Diagnosis

Quantitative Research Methods

Clinical Formulation and Treatment

Masters Project


  • Our course will provide you with the academic and research skills you need to continue onto further professional training in clinical psychology.
  • Alternatively it provides an excellent basis to work in other mental health and care environments.
  • You’re also in the perfect position to continue your academic career.

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