With this master's degree in Professional Communication, you will learn that communication is the key to solving the world's problems. Diplomatic breakthroughs, scientific discoveries, life-saving health advice – all these things depend on the ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
Communication also increasingly relies on an understanding of cultural context, across complex global networks.
If you have a bachelor’s degree in any field, this master of Professional Communication will equip you with the communication skills to unlock the potential of your degree, and to really have an impact. You’ll master successful oral communication techniques, learn how to write for specific audiences, and become proficient at analyzing digital texts. You’ll also learn best-practice communication strategies to manage interactions between organizations.
As part of the course and to contextualize your learning to your own interests and expertise, you’ll design and execute a Master's project. This will be a guided independent study that emphasizes a process of inquiry, analysis, and synthesis of communications theory and practice to your own discipline.