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Humanities & Education
Master in Education (Online) - Hellenic Open University

Master in Education (Online) - Hellenic Open University

Hellenic Open University
2 Years

Program Description

The aim of the master in Education (Online), which is addressed in principle to teachers of both levels (primary and secondary) and to AEI and TEI graduates who are or will be employed in education, is:

- To provide specialized pedagogical and teaching knowledge and to develop relevant skills.

- The cultivation and development of scientific thinking and educational research skills.

- The development of well-trained staff capable of staffing education.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Applied Educational Research

Development of the Child in the Social Environment

Year 2

Education: cultural differences and social inequalities

Language, Society and Education

Science Education

Environmental and Sustainability Education

Management of educational organizations

Introduction to Adult Education

Open and Distance Learning

Master’s Dissertation

Learning Outcomes

  • Updated knowledge and skills in field of Education Science.
  • Acquisition of knowledge and skills in research methodology.
  • Develop critical awareness of social and cultural issues in the context of education.
  • Acquisition of academic reading and writing skills.
  • Acquiring digital literacy skills.
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