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Computer Science & IT
Artificial Intelligence - Business Analytics - TBS Toulouse
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Artificial Intelligence - Business Analytics - TBS Toulouse

TBS Education (Toulouse)
On campus
 2000 Points
1 Year
Start date
Sep 2024

Merit-based Scholarships

TBS Education's master's (MSc) program offers merit-based scholarships. Apply through Brive.

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Program Description

The master in Artificial Intelligence - Business Analytics (MSc) of TBS is designed to answer this demand.

In the intersection of business, data science, and Information Systems, the program offers the opportunity to learn how to take advantage of the potential of data analysis to solve business challenges.

Students complete their master in Artificial Intelligence - Business Analytics (MSc) with technical skills in data sciences; data-driven decision-making ability; and a strategic mindset focused on data. The program is designed for students, as well as those seeking career advancement or change in the data science industry.

Entry Requirements

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Data-driven Business & Society

Big Data Analytics

New Trends in Marketing

Data-driven Marketing

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Big Data Programming

International Perspective in Big Data, Marketing Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Research Methods and Dynamics

Management and leadership skills

Career agility

Master Dissertation

Internship (not mandatory)

Jobs - Careers

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Strategist
  • Data Planner
  • Marketing Scientist
  • Big Data Consultant
  • Data Scientist
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Expert/Analyst in marketing analysis/ marketing research/CRM/ credit analysis
  • Business Data Analyst
  • Data Enabler
  • Data Visualization Consultant
  • Marketing Data Analyst
  • Entrepreneur
  • Customer intelligence manager
  • E-marketer
  • Operational researcher
  • Business Intelligence Consultant
  • Data Manager
  • Social Data Analyst
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