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Computer Science & IT
Game Theory and Operations Research
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Game Theory and Operations Research

Saint Petersburg State University
Saint PetersburgRussia
On campus
 1232 Points
2 Years

Program Description

The master programme is designed for students with strong mathematical backgrounds wishing to deepen and broaden their knowledge while gaining applicable skills in high demand in the marketplace.

MSc Game Theory and Operations Research provides you with the skills needed to use applied mathematics to problems faced by companies, governments, and other institutions. The graduates will learn to construct and investigate mathematical models of real-life problems using optimization, simulation, and statistics, with specialist software taught during computer lab sessions.

Entry Requirements

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Discrete and Stochastic Models

Operations Research and Game Theory

Qualitative Methods in Applied Economic Analysis

PERT and Project Management

Methods of Statistical Information Processing

Research Project

Continuous Mathematical Models

Economics Software

Modern Control Theory

Supplementary Chapters of Mathematical Analysis and Dynamical Systems

Statistical Decisions and Econometrics

Queueing Theory


Russian as a Foreign Language


  • R&D specialist
  • R&D manager
  • Educator (vocational and professional education, lifelong professional training)
  • Programmer
  • IT specialist
  • Systems analyst

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