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Computer Science & IT
Сontemporary Combinatorics (Distance)
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Сontemporary Combinatorics (Distance)

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
 1232 Points
2 Years

Program Description

This program is focused on the modern aspects of combinatorics (discrete mathematics) and its applications in computer science and in the theory of complex networks. Students both study advanced state-of-the-art methods used in discrete mathematics and foster intuition of working with discrete objects and models and do research in various topics of discrete mathematics – either pure or applied.

With the help of new educational technologies and the “flipped learning” approach, courses on basic specialties, compulsory general education courses and interaction with a research supervisor on writing research are being transferred to the online form.

Our students have an opportunity to add an internship at Yandex research labs, Sberbank labs, 1C labs, Tinkoff labs, BioCad labs, ABBYY labs, Huawei labs, to their portfolio.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Introduction to Discrete

Geometry I

Linear Algebra

Probability Theory

Visiting Lectures

Geometry II

Random Graphs I

Advanced Graph Theory

Year 2

Game Theory

Random Graphs II

Additive Combinatorics

Visiting Lectures

The fourth semester is solely devoted to research and master’s thesis preparation


  • Researcher
  • Software developer
  • Algorithm designer
  • Analyst

The alumni of Advanced combinatorics program work at research institutes in Germany, France, Canada, Israel (PhD/postdoc positions) — we expect the graduates of the online program to be at this level and to keep raising the bar.


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