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Computer Science & IT
Computer Science
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Computer Science

Hofstra University
Hempstead, New YorkUSA
On campus
 5293 Points
1 Year
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

The mission of the MS program offered by the Department of Computer Science is to develop independent thinkers who can provide leadership in the computing industry or academia, as well as deep insights into the fundamentals of computer science, and a broad perspective on the established and emerging fields of computing.

The objectives of the program are twofold: (i) to develop highly qualified professionals capable of adapting with ease to the dynamic field of computing; and (ii) to prepare students interested in pursuing doctoral studies in computer science or related fields. The program provides a strong base in the fundamental areas of computer science, such as algorithms, operating systems and programming languages. In addition, the program offers a large number of electives in important areas such as networking, security, web and mobile application development, and parallel and distributed computing.

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Programming Language Concepts

Advanced Operating Systems Design

Optional Modules

Themes of Computer Science

Mathematical Logic

Logic Application to Software


Privacy in a Wired World

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Combinatorial Optimization

Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Advanced Data Structures

Formal Languages, Grammars and Automata


Computational Biology

Database Design II

Introduction to Bioinformatics

Computation, Modeling and Simulation

Secure Systems/Ethical Hacking

Decision Making Under Uncertainty in Computing

Cybersecurity for Everyone

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Data Science

Data Warehousing

Human Computer Interaction / Human Factors

Text Mining

The Semantic Web

Software Project Management

Programming Language Concepts

Design of Programming Languages

Database Design

Advanced Operating Systems Design

Compiler Construction

Concurrent and Parallel Programming

Combinatorics and Graph Theory

Computational Finance

Numerical Methods I: Analysis

Numerical Methods II: Linear Algebra

Computer Graphics

Artificial Intelligence

Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Data Mining


Web Engineering:

Choose any three courses from the following:

Web Application Development

Mobile Device Programming

Database Design

Software Project Management

Networking and Security:

Choose any three courses from the following:

Computer Communication Networks and Distributed Processing

Secure Systems/Ethical Hacking

Network Security

Privacy in a Wired World


  • Data mining
  • Machine learning
  • Networks and network security
  • Mobile computing
  • Computer graphics
  • Computer vision
  • Artificial intelligence

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