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Computer Science & IT
Master in Computer Science Engineering (MSc) - PTE
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Master in Computer Science Engineering (MSc) - PTE

University of Pecs
On campus
 1032 Points
2 Years

Program Description

The master in Computer Science Engineering (MSc) is one of the most important programs at our Faculty. It aims to provide engineers from technical disciplines relevant to information technology sciences with the skills to pursue a career in computer and information engineering.

The master in Computer Science Engineering (MSc) involves a deep understanding of the theory and practice of information, the study of information acquisition, systems, and technical methodologies and their applications in engineering. The main areas of study include developments in intelligent systems and multiprocessor technology.

The master in Computer Science Engineering (MSc) consists of a combination of formal lectures, tutorials, and lab sessions, it develops practical and theoretical knowledge and includes supervised work sessions. The course aims to equip graduates with the necessary technical and academic knowledge and skills for engineering in information technology.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

Information Theory


Intelligent Control Systems

Semester 2

Quantum Informatics, Cryptography

Signals and Systems

Artificial Intelligence 2.

Year 2

Semester 3

Environment Protection for Engineers

Computer Vision Systems

Robotic Systems

Semester 4

MSc Thesis

Specialization: Intelligent Systems

Jobs - Careers

  • Computer Engineering
  • Information Engineering

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