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Business Management & Marketing
Master in International Management (MSc) - Kuhne Logistics
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Master in International Management (MSc) - Kuhne Logistics

Kuhne Logistics University
On campus
 2217 Points
2 Years
Start date
Sep 2024

Program Description

The master in International Management (MSc) provides you with the management and leadership skills you will need for your career in a multinational company. The courses cover a broad range of topics in the key business administration fields and, additionally, focus on sustainability and digitalization.

Thus, sharpen your entrepreneurial thinking (entrepreneurship) and sustainable actions in a global environment, and enhance your career prospects. The master in International Management (MSc) targets your personal development and focuses on developing your leadership abilities.

The teaching method includes both case- and project-based learning, excursions, business simulations, integrated internships, and regular interaction with industry professionals. Practical relevance is the program’s core.

Entry Requirements

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Analytical Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Applied Research Methods

Business Analytics and Econometrics

Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Capstone Project

Corporate Social Responsibility

Data Science

Economics of Digital Transformation

Electronic Business

Financial Performance Management and Management Control

Global Trends in Human Resource Management

Humanitarian Logistics

Independent Studies

International Economics


Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Logistics Information Systems

Managerial Skills I

Managerial Skills II

Managing Supply Chain Complexity

Maritime Logistics

Marketing Analytics

Master’s Thesis

Practice Report

Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management

Sourcing and Procurement Management

Strategic Issues in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Analytics

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Globalization

Sustainable Logistics

Sustainable New Product Development

Transportation and Distribution

Warehousing and Intra-logistics

Jobs - Careers

  • Consultant
  • Entrepreneur
  • Marketing Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Project Manager
  • International Sales Manager
  • HR Manager
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