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Arts, Design & Architecture
Master in Brand Design - EKA University of Applied Sciences
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Master in Brand Design - EKA University of Applied Sciences

EKA University of Applied Sciences
Riga, Latvia
On campus
 756 Points
2 Years

Program Description

A unique master in Brand Design based on an interdisciplinary approach and combining design, management, marketing, and information technology.

This master in Brand Design prepares specialists who will be able to create the organization's visual identity and visual communication through its business philosophy, and strategy, using modern design solutions. The program is based on a team of professionals who not only teach but also work in the fields of design, marketing, and brand management.

Entry Requirements

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Core Courses

Introduction in studies


Brand Graphic Design

Brand Visual Identity

Motion Design

Management of Creative Projects

Contemporary Art

Management Psychology

Intercultural Communication

Research Methods and Organization of Academic Work

Master Thesis

Optional Courses

Basics of Design (for students, whose previous education is in the fields of economics, management or computer sciences)

Management Theories (for students, whose previous education is in the fields of art or design)

Workshop “Organizational Culture and Brand Design”

Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning

Intellectual Property Law

Strategic and Change Management

Labor, environmental, and civil protection (If not completed at previous education levels

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge (knowledge and understanding):

  • Know and understand brand design creation process.
  • Know modern brand-building design principles.
  • Know research methods in the field of design.

Skills (ability to apply knowledge, communication skills, general skills):

  • Able to create a brand design, reflecting an organization′s philosophy, the target audience, market demand.
  • Able to use modern information technology solutions for brand design and visual communication development.
  • Able to provide arguments in discussing brand design and visual identity building aspects.
  • Able to independently organize and carry out a study in design.
  • Able to reflect in writing and orally present the tasks carried out or the results of research.
  • Able to create a design project, which includes visual identity, product design, visual communication with the consumer.

Competence (analysis, synthesis, evaluation):

  • Able to independently formulate and critically analyze scientific and professional problems of brand design and visual identity creation.
  • Able to generate ideas and provide solutions in brand design, integrating an organization′s philosophy and using modern information technology tools.
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