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Arts, Design & Architecture
Interiors (Architecture and Design)
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Interiors (Architecture and Design)

Middlesex University
On campus
 2103 Points
1 Year

Program Description

MA Interiors (Architecture & Design) encourages creative investigation, experimentation and innovation in order to extend your knowledge and skills in the creation of new environments. The potential of the ‘interior’ is explored across a range of contemporary contexts, through field research and interpretation, studio and online workshops, media practices, critical analysis and design. On the course you will develop your individual practice and approach to the design of interior spaces and places.

The following course-related costs are included in the fees:

- A free electronic textbook for every module
- All printing and copying required for your study.
- Self-service laptops available for loan for a maximum of 24 hours
- Audio-visual equipment available for loan, including digital stills cameras, digital video recorders, digital audio recorders.

The following course-related costs are not included in the fees, and you may be required to purchase these to complete the course. The costs are approximate and may change due to changes in pricing at the retailer:

- Your personal equipment and materials
- Printing at larger than A3 sizes, or on non-standard paper in the Reprographics area and binding; this may be subsidised or paid for if the output required is specified for the project/ module.
- Additional, specialist materials for the 3D and advanced digital workshops for individual output
- Optional field trips and visits; these are normally subsidised by the programme (generally and approximately up to 50% of the cost).

Entry Requirements

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Explore: Scale and Place

Encounter: Contexts and Debate

Develop: Personal Practice

Advance: Thinking and Writing

Realise: Independent Research and Design


This course will prepare you for a diverse range of careers foremost within the interior design, architecture and wider design industry, but also within other creative and cultural industries. These may include product, furniture, exhibition design, spatial design and more. You may also decide to pursue careers in further research and teaching. We encourage students to work in the industry and support links with professional industry during and after graduating.

Our graduates are now working as:

  • Interior designers
  • Architects
  • Teachers
  • Product Designers
  • Researchers
  • Writers

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