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Ιατρική & Υγεία
Occupational Therapy
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Occupational Therapy

University of Canberra
On campus
4 Έτη
Αιτήσεις έως
Ιουλ 2024

Περιγραφή Προγράμματος

Manage the occupational needs of an evolving nation! Discover the science, strategies, and theories behind a profession dedicated to helping people live full and meaningful lives regardless of age, disability, or limitations - with the UC Bachelor of Occupational Therapy degree.

In this course, you will learn to assess a person’s unique issues to offer better, more tailored recovery solutions based on a wholistic and comprehensive look at an individual’s physical, psychosocial and environmental needs.

Successful completion of this course will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of health issues in Australia, and the skills to help individuals, groups, and communities engage in the occupations they need to, want to or are expected to do. This course also prepares you for further study opportunities and the chance to gain the additional skills to move into senior, more researched based positions.

Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής

Καλύπτεις τα κριτήρια;

Κάνε εγγραφή, διάβασε τις προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής και δες τη συμβατότητά σου.

Μελέτη Occupational Therapy

  • obtain a broad and coherent understanding of critical values, theories, perspectives and concepts that underpin the occupational therapy profession
  • be able to use your knowledge, skill and professional awareness to add value to the assessment, intervention and therapeutic process
  • communicate clearly and coherently in a range of occupational therapy settings to a variety of stakeholders
  • be able to read, critique and evaluate evidence from research into the practices of occupational therapy.

Κορμός Μαθημάτων


Concepts in Biology

Counselling Communication

Human Physiology and the Lifecycle

Group Work

Indigenous Health: Contemporary Issues

Epidemiology and Principles of Research

Health Professional Practice 2

Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology

Introduction to Occupational Therapy

Foundations of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Toolbox 1 & 2

Practice Reasoning in Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Professional Practice

Occupational Therapy Professional Practice

Occupational Therapy for Specific Groups

Humans as Occupational Beings 1

Occupational Therapy Professional Practice 2

Occupation in Context

Humans as Occupational Beings 2

Occupational Therapy Professional Practice 3

Readiness for Occupational Therapy Practice

Mental Health and Occupational Therapy

Understanding People and Behaviour

Professional Orientation (Health)

Επαγγελματικές Προοπτικές

Graduates of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy will be able to seek employment within public, private and or voluntary sector settings, as well as provide services in diverse environments such as:

  • homes
  • schools
  • workplaces
  • health centres
  • supported accommodation
  • housing for seniors
  • rehabilitation centres
  • hospitals and forensic centres

Χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια στην αίτησή σου;

Προγραμμάτισε, σήμερα, μία δωρεάν συμβουλευτική συνεδρία μαζί μας!