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Collect points and receive cashback when applying through Brive

The love for knowledge is rewarded!

Collect brive points and redeem them on exciting discounts for your studies!

How it Works


Do you have questions about the reward system of Brive? Let us know!

1. What is the correspondence between points and real money?

20 points correspond to 1€.

2. How can I redeem my points?

You can redeem your points on your studies! Verify your email and mobile phone number on Brive and apply to your preferred program. Once you become accepted and complete your enrollment, you will receive an update that you have ensured the tuition discount you are eligible for.

3. How can I collect more points?

If you have completed every other action, invite as many friends as you can. Also, apply through Brive to the available study programs for extra points!

4. How exactly do I earn points by inviting friends?

For every friend you invite and fully complete their registration on Brive, you earn 60 points, and they earn 10.
My points
Join our community and gain points that can skyrocket your future! Become a Briver today!