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Tourism & Leisure
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Chechen State University
On campus
 1271 Points
4 Years

Program Description

Graduates who have mastered the bachelor's program in the direction of "Tourism" can carry out professional activities in the provision of tourist, excursion services to the population, services necessary for the organization and implementation of travel, formation, promotion and implementation of a tourist product, activities at the facilities of tourist infrastructure and tourist services, activities for the design of a tourist product using technological innovations and modern information and software.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1:

Russian language and culture of speech
Foreign language
Service activities
Introduction to the specialty
Tourism resource studies
History of tourism and hospitality

Semester 2:

Russian history
History of the peoples of the Chechen Republic
Foreign language
Life safety
Tourism and hospitality infrastructure
Animation services in the tourism industry
physical Culture and sport

Year 2

Semester 3:

Foreign language
Organization of tourist activities
Service Standards in Tourism and Hospitality
Organization of services for persons with disabilities
Tourist formalities
Animation services in the tourism industry
Elective courses in physical culture and sports
physical Culture and sport
Prospects for the development of gastronomic tourism in the Chechen Republic

Semester 4:

FPsychology of business communication
Foreign language
Organization of safety in tourism and hospitality
Elective courses in physical culture and sports
physical Culture and sport
Chechen traditional culture and ethics
Tourism development strategy in the North Caucasus
Tourist clusters of the North Caucasus

Year 3

Semester 5:

Foreign language (second)
Technology and organization of excursion services
Elective courses in physical culture and sports
Documentation support of tourist activities
Transportation in tourism
Prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the Chechen Republic
Chechen traditional culture and ethics
Research activities in tourism

Semester 6:

Foreign language (second)
Service Standards in Tourism and Hospitality
Internal tourism organization technology
Technology and organization of excursion services
Elective courses in physical culture and sports
Research activities in tourism
Technologies for the implementation of a tourist product

Year 4

Semester 7:

Chechen language
Foreign language (second)
Service Standards in Tourism and Hospitality
Tourist formalities
Organization of social tourism
Tourism product implementation technology
Loyalty programs in tourism and hospitality
Tourism product promotion technology

Semester 8:

Foreign language (second)
Basics of tourism and recreation design
Touring basics
Tourism route development technology

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