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Social Sciences & Psychology
Psychology (King’s University College)
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Psychology (King’s University College)

King’s University College Western University
London, OntarioCanada
On campus
 3426 Points
4 Years

Program Description

The discipline of Psychology spans perhaps the broadest range of any academic discipline. Psychologists can be involved in examining brain processes, animal behaviour, human sexuality, language acquisition, cognitive processes and learning, creativity, consciousness, interpersonal relationships and psychological problems.

The Department of Psychology strives to educate students in the theories, methods, evidence base, and practical applications of Psychological Science. We aim to help students grow in their verbal and written communication skills, critical thinking ability, ability to understand, produce, and use research, and awareness of human strengths and challenges. Our faculty members maintain vigorous programs of research that contribute to scientific knowledge and guide practical applications of psychology.

This scholarship provides a context for mentoring students in research and it enriches our teaching by adding breadth and depth to the courses we offer. We are committed to the principles of holistic education, open inquiry, scientific rigour, and social justice.

From the 2nd year, students can pursue a major, minor or specialization.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Clinical, counseling, social, developmental, forensic, and humanistic psychology

Education (teacher’s college)

Health sciences, including occupational therapy and communication sciences

Law, industrial relations and journalism


A degree in Psychology prepares students to pursue graduate education or work in many fields. Graduates of our program have developed careers in fields such as:

  • health
  • education
  • research
  • community development
  • counseling
  • business

Other graduates of our program have gone on to pursue professional, Master and PhD degrees in various areas including:

  • Clinical, counseling, social, developmental, forensic, and humanistic psychology
  • Education (teacher’s college)
  • Health sciences, including occupational therapy and communication sciences
  • Law, industrial relations and journalism

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