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Social Sciences & Psychology
Psychological Counseling and Guidance
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Psychological Counseling and Guidance

Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University
On campus
 756 Points
4 Years

Program Description

Modern society poses many risks to human well-being. Individuals need specialist advice and support across a wide range of areas to develop themselves, to explore their potentials and use them to the fullest, and to build effective habits.

Psychological Counseling and Guidance has gained more importance over time and has widened its scope as a field of application for psychology. Because self-development and learning are lifelong processes, graduates of this field of study are not only employed at schools as psychological counselors but also employed by a variety of mental health institutions across a wide range of work environments.

Entry Requirements

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The aim of the Psychological Counseling and Guidance program is to produce psychological counselors who are prepared to address the academic, professional, personal, and social needs of individuals. This program aims to increase students’ awareness of the nature of counseling relationship so that they can develop skills needed to foresee and prevent problems, to explore and enrich their potentials, and to cope with problems.



  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Social Services
  • Society for the Protection of Children
  • Turkish Armed Forces
  • Police Academies
  • human resource departments of companies
  • special education
  • counseling centers

Psychological Counseling and Guidance graduates are employed as:

  • school counselor in public and private schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education

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