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Social Sciences & Psychology
Bachelor in Philosophy and Psychology (BA) - Nottingham
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Bachelor in Philosophy and Psychology (BA) - Nottingham

University of Nottingham
On campus
3 Years
Start date
Sep 2024

Program Description

The bachelor in Philosophy and Psychology (BA) combines these two unique disciplines, you'll gain an understanding of how our minds develop and function and think about our lives, relationships, and society. Learn about the structure of the brain, as well as the perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and actions of people.

You'll also examine how these apply in settings such as the education, criminal justice, and mental health systems.

The University of Nottingham offers a wide range of bursaries and international undergraduate scholarships.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Social Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Cognitive Psychology 1

Biological Psychology

Reasoning, Argument, and Logic

Mind, Knowledge, and Ethics

Year 2 (Optional)

Cognitive Psychology

Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology

Personality and Individual Differences

Social and Developmental Psychology

Neuroscience and Behaviour

The Nature of Meaning

Mind and Consciousness

Normative Ethics

Freedom and Obligation

Being, Becoming and Reality

Knowledge and Justification

Ancient Greek Philosophy

Continental Philosophy

Social Philosophy

Freedom and Obligation

Topics in Asian Philosophy

An Introduction to Metaethics

Philosophy of Science: From Positivism to Postmodernism

Philosophy of Art

Intermediate Logic

School of Humanities Work Placement

Year 3 (Optional)

Clinical Psychology

Neuropsychology of Action: The Body in the Brain

Understanding Developmental Disorders

Neuropsychology and Applied Neuroimaging

Forensic and Mental Health

Educational Psychology

Developmental Dyslexia: Psychological and Educational Perspectives

The Visual Brain: Evolution, Development, Learning and Adaptation Altruism, Cooperation and Helping

Dissertation in Philosophy


Advanced Logic

Free Will and Action

Communicating Philosophy

Taking Utilitarianism Seriously

Philosophy and Mortality

Philosophy of Recreation

Advanced Topics in the Philosophy of Mind

Advanced Topics in Aesthetics

Language, Metaphysics, and Metametaphysics

Environmental Ethics

Buddhist Philosophy

Philosophy of Criminal Law

Subjectivism and Relativism in Ethics

Knowledge, Ignorance and Democracy

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Sex

Jobs - Careers

  • Accountancy
  • Law
  • HR
  • Mental health and therapy
  • Civil service
  • Media
  • Education

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