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Social Sciences & Psychology
Humanistic Studies (Major)
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Humanistic Studies (Major)

John Cabot University
On campus
 3794 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Sep 2025

Program Description

Humanities students learn to appreciate and analyze cultures by exploring literature, art, history, philosophy, and religion. For instance, they might examine Homer's poetry or Plato's ethics, study sacred paintings or modernist architecture, analyze the workings of slavery or the rise and fall of fascism, or evaluate James Joyce's writing or Andy Warhol's pop art.

By exploring such cultural products, they learn to understand the distinctive objects, approaches, and debates in the relevant fields and how to connect, compare, and theorize about them. They may also choose to concentrate on one or more specific fields, developing their own interests and expertise and taking advantage of the University's unique location in Rome, Italy, and the Mediterranean. The cultural knowledge that they gain and the reading, analysis, and research skills that they develop provide the basis for a wide range of graduate studies and careers.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of different cultures - that is, human beings' ways of living and thinking about their lives - as these are expressed in ancient, modern, and contemporary literature, art, history, philosophy, and religion.
  • Demonstrate ability to analyze cultural products, drawing connections and comparisons across fields and undertaking scholarly research into them.
  • Demonstrate ability to apply and evaluate theoretical approaches from relevant disciplines across a range of cultural products and issues.
  • Demonstrate ability to defend analytical positions through well-researched, supported, and organized reasoning.
  • Develop an awareness of the importance of finding, using and producing reliable information so as to respect (and know how to respect) academic integrity and ethical standards in their academic work.
  • Effectively and critically communicate ideas and information orally and in writing.


Core Modules

Introduction to Philosophical Thinking


Two of the following: HS 200 Doing History, AH 240 Introduction to Art Historical Thinking, EN 215 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theories, CMS 300 Foundations in Critical Media Studies

One AH course or literature course (other than EN 215, if taken)

Research and Writing in the Humanities

Senior Thesis

Majors Electives

10 courses in the fields of HS, CL, ARCH, AH, literature (including EN, IT, and ITS), RH, MUS, PH, and RL, including at least 4 300-level courses and at most 2 100-level courses.

Students are encouraged to select their major electives according to a coherent plan developed with their advisor, and also encouraged to take courses in other fields, pending the approval of their advisor and the Chair of the History and Humanities Department.

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