The Bachelor in Psychology (BSc) at University of Hull is an accredited degree that covers all the key areas, including cognition, development and neuroscience. Learners will study topics such as memory, social relationships, child development, the ageing brain and forensics. And they will develop practical and technical skills which can help tackle real-life issues such as dementia.
Students can get the rare chance to fast-track onto a fully-funded Clinical Psychology doctorate.
The program gives students the freedom to delve deeper into the topics that interest them the most. As well as the option to graduate with a named-pathway degree in areas such as Neuroscience or Applied Psychology. Or choose specialist clinical psychology modules and fast-track onto Hull's fully-funded ClinPsyD program.
During the Bachelor in Psychology (BSc) students are guided by professional psychologists and clinical practitioners. Hull's department is friendly and supportive with strong links to the NHS and the private sector. So everything students learn is up to date and industry-relevant.