The Bachelor in International Relations and Organisations (BSc) at Leiden University addresses transboundary issues from a social sciences point of view. It has a strong focus on diplomacy and current world problems, with particular attention paid to the role of major powers such as China, Russia, the USA and the EU, and organisations such as the IMF, NATO, UN, and the World Bank.
This international, English-taught 3-year program is part of Leiden University’s Political Science curriculum and is based in The Hague, the city in which politics and international relations converge.
The Bachelor in International Relations and Organisations (BSc) is the right choice for students who are fascinated by global affairs and the dynamics of international cooperation and conflict. Themes such as war and peace, poverty, refugee crises, humanitarian cooperation, nuclear weapons reduction, and globalisation are covered in detail.
Statutory Tuition Fees: €2.314 (For first years: €1157)
Institutional Tuition Fees: €8.800
International Tuition Fees: €12.500