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Natural & Applied Sciences
Master in Chemical Engineering (MEng) - Brunel University
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Master in Chemical Engineering (MEng) - Brunel University

Brunel University London
On campus
 4140 Points
4 Years
Start date
May 2025

Program Description

The master in Chemical Engineering (MEng) is an innovative course that has been developed to equip you with a broad range of knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the chemical and biochemical industry.

The master in Chemical Engineering (MEng) has been developed according to the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) accreditation guidelines. This innovative approach means modern subjects are taught and delivered through flipped classrooms, problem-based learning, and virtual reality.

Throughout your studies, you’ll have access to a new, modern laboratory with equipment and rigs for your experimental work. The latest industry-standard engineering software packages are available for you to use in the purpose-built computer laboratories.

£3,000 fee reduction in final year

Entry Requirements

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Course Content

Course delivery is a well-balanced mix of theory and practical sessions. In your first two years, you will gain solid knowledge and understanding of key areas in chemical engineering.

You’ll also be introduced to process plant operation, control and safety through the Chemical Engineer’s Toolbox module. In later years, you move on to modern topics such as big data analytics, industrial internet of things and cybersecurity. You will work on your major design project in your third year and your research project in your MEng final year.


Teaching and Learning

The chemical engineering degrees are delivered by staff with recent industrial experience. This means you’ll be learning from an enthusiastic teaching team with deep knowledge of the chemical process industry. There will also be guest lectures from our industrial collaborators, and site visits to process plants are arranged.

Study will combine lectures, tutorials, laboratory work, computer simulation, debates, self-study, and project work.



Year 1

Engineering Mathematics and Programming

Engineering Practice

Engineering Systems and Energy

Engineering Mechanics and Materials I

Engineering Mechanics and Materials II

Chemical Engineering Introduction

Year 2

Engineering Chemistry

Heat and Mass Transfer

Chemical Engineer’s Toolbox

Engineering Computing and Statistics

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Fluid Mechanics

Separation Processes I

Year 3

Process Design and Safety I

Separation Processes II

Process Design and Safety II

Biochemical Engineering

Process Control

Big Data Analytics

Chemical Engineering Design Project

Year 4

Innovation Toolbox

Emerging Low Carbon Technologies

Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber Security

Process Systems Engineering

Sustainable and Environmental Engineering

Advanced Process Engineering

Chemical Engineering Research Project

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