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Suffolk University
Boston, MassachusettsUSA
On campus
 4521 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

Like chemistry, our biochemistry program follows a coursework sequence endorsed by the American Chemical Society (ACS), which is highly respected distinction as you go on to graduate and professional work. You can also join Suffolk's award winning student chapters of the ACS, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), or our Health Professions Club.

These clubs enjoy activities ranging from invited scientist lectures to community service projects. You might also volunteer at the nearby Museum of Science or at the Cambridge Science Festival. Additionally, opportunities are available to attend the national meetings of the ACS and ASBMB to learn about current research from experts in the field and even present your research in a national forum.

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Introduction to the Cell

Introduction to the Cell Laboratory

Organismal Biology

Organismal Biology Laboratory

General Chemistry I

General Chemistry Laboratory I

General Chemistry II

General Chemistry Laboratory II

Organic Chemistry I

Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

Organic Chemistry II

Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

Instrumental Analysis

Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

Biochemistry I

Biochemical Techniques Lab

Biochemistry II

Advanced Biochemical Techniques and Research Lab

Physical Chemistry I

Physical Chemistry Laboratory I

Physical Chemistry II

Physical Chemistry Laboratory II

Calculus I

Calculus II

University Physics I

University Physics Lab I

University Physics II

University Physics Lab II

Choose one of the following:

Research & Seminar I

Honors Research & Seminar I

Choose one of the following:

Research & Seminar II

Honors Research & Seminar II

Optional Modules

Choose two Biology electives from the following:

Anatomy and Physiology I

Anatomy & Physiology Lab I

Anatomy and Physiology II

Anatomy & Physiology Lab II


Genetics Lab


Microbiology Laboratory


Cell Biology

Cell Biology Lab

Molecular Genetics

Molecular Genetics Lab


  • Lab technicians
  • Research assistants in academic, biotech/pharma, and hospital labs
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician’s assistants
  • Doctors

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