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Medicine & Health
Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSc) - Semmelweis University
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Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSc) - Semmelweis University

Semmelweis University
On campus
 909 Points
5 Years
Apply date
Sep 2024

Program Description

The first two years of the Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Science (BSc) program at Semmelweis University focus on the basic subjects related to pharmaceutical sciences, such as chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics both through theoretical and practical classes.

In the following years, more emphasis is placed on introducing these subjects at a higher level, as they relate to pharmacy. From here on, pharmacy-specific subjects are taught throughout the year with a high ratio of practical training involved. In third and fourth years, multiple internships and practices are available for students to receive hands-on experience regarding this field.

The preparation for the diploma work and thesis starts in the fourth year of the Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSc) program. The training ends in the fifth year, with yet another compulsory practice, the submission of the thesis and the closing examination.

Entry Requirements

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Semester 1

General and Inorganic Chemistry (practice) I

General and Inorganic Chemistry (theory) I

Biophysics (practice) I

Biophysics (theory) I

Biology (practice) I

Biology (theory) I

First Aid (practice)

Pharmaceutical Terminology (practice)

Mathematics for Pharmacists (practice)

Mathematics for Pharmacists (theory)

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Studies (methodology, law) (theory)

History of Pharmaceutics and Propedeutics(theory)

Principles of Professional Ethics I

Physical Education I

Hungarian Pharmaceutical Terminology (practice) I

Electiveor obligatory elective subjects

Semester 2

General and Inorganic Chemistry (theory) II

Analytical Chemistry (theory+practice) I

Anatomy (practice)

Anatomy (theory)

Biophysics (practice) II

Biophysics (theory) II

Biology (practice) II

Biology (theory) II

Communication and InformationNetworks(theory & practice)

Basics of Economics(theory)

Physical Chemistry for Pharmacists(theory+practice)

Hungarian Pharmaceutical Terminology (practice) II

Physical Education II

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 3

Analytical Chemistry (practice) II

Analytical Chemistry (theory) II

Colloid Chemistry (theory and practice)

Organic Chemistry (practice) I

Organic Chemistry (theory) I

Physiology (practice) I

Physiology (theory) I

Biochemistry (theory+practice) I

Basic Immunology (theory)

Hungarian Pharmaceutical Terminology (practice) III

Physical Education III

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 4

Biochemistry (theory )II

Organic Chemistry (practice II

Organic Chemistry (theory) II

Physiological Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical dosage forms(theory + practice)

Physiology (practice) II

Physiology (theory) II

Biotechnology (theory)

Nanotechnology (theory + practice)

Pharmacy Practice

Hungarian Pharmaceutical Terminology(practice) IV

Physical Education IV

Summer Practice I

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 5

Pharmaceutical Botany (practice)

Pharmaceutical Botany (theory)

Nutrition and Dietetics (theory)

Pharmaceutical Technology I (theory + practice)

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis (practice) I

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis (theory) I

Pharmaceutical Microbiology (practice)

Pharmaceutical Microbiology (theory)

Basic Medical Pathophysiology I. (theory + practice)

Clinical-Chemistryand Laboratory Diagnostics (theory)

Statistics for Pharmacists (theory + practice)

Physical Education V

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 6

Basic Medical Pathophysiology II (theory + practice)

Pharmacognosy (theory + practice) I

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis (practice) II

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis (theory) II

Pharmaceutical Technology (practice) II

Pharmaceutical Technology (theory) II

Veterinary Pharmaceuticals(theory)

Pharmacology and Toxicology (practice) I

Pharmacology and Toxicology (theory) I

Pharmacy Practice II

Physical Education VI

Summer Practice II

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 7

Pharmacognosy (practice) II

Pharmacognosy (theory) II

Instrumental Pharmaceutical Analysis (practice)

InstrumentalPharmaceutical Analysis (theory)

Pharmacology and Toxicology (practice) II

Pharmacology and Toxicology (theory) II

Pharmaceutical Technology (practice) III

Pharmaceutical Technology (theory) III

ndustrial Pharmaceutical TechnologyI

Biological Drugs (theory)

Pharmacoeconomics (practice)

Physical Education VII

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 8

Pharmacology and Toxicology (practice) III

Pharmacology and Toxicology (theory) III

Pharmaceutical Technology (practice) IV

Pharmaceutical Technology (theory) IV

Pharmacy Administration (theory+practice) I

Public Health (practice)

Public Health (theory)

Phytotherapy (theory)

Pharmaceutical management (practice)

Pharmaceutical management (theory)

Industrial Pharmaceutical Technology II

Diploma Work I

Physical Education VIII

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 9

Compulsory Practice Before the Board Exam I

Drug Therapy (theory + practice)

Pharmaceutical Care (theory + practice)

Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmacy (theory + practice)

Pharmaceutical Communication and Integrated Consulting (theory + practice)

Pharmacy Administration (theory) II

Pharmaceutical Informatics (theory + practice)

Clinical Pharmacy(theory + practice)

Pharmaceutical Ethics and Sociology(theory + practice)

Diploma Work II

Physical Education IX

Elective or obligatory elective subjects

Semester 10

Compulsory Practice Before the Board Exam II

Diploma work/Thesis defense

Principles of Professional Ethics II

Jobs - Careers

  • Public or hospital pharmacies
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Health authorities
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Academia

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