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Medicine & Health
Management (Health Care Management)
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Management (Health Care Management)

Fisher College
Boston, MassachusettsUSA
On campus
 3587 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Management Degree, with a concentration in Health Care Management, develops solid functional management knowledge and skills combined with a broad overview of issues and challenges specific to the complex field of health care delivery. Emphasis of instruction will be on developing the managerial skills required to work in today's regulated, complex health care field. Graduates will have a solid foundation of knowledge in legal issues, marketing, financial accounting, health care reimbursement systems and performance-improvement methods required to meet the challenges of increasing quality while decreasing cost in health care delivery.

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Financial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Principles of Business Finance

Health Care Delivery Systems

Health Care Law and Government Regulations

Topics in Health Care

Business Law

Principles of Management

Human Resource Management

Managerial Communications

Leadership and Ethics

International Management

Organizational Behavior

Operations Management

Business Policy and Strategic Management

Principles of Marketing

Program Elective (2)


Bachelor of Science in Management with a concentration in Heath Care Management degree graduates are equipped to pursue careers in a variety of positions in private, government and not-for-profit organizations.

Graduates of the program have secured employment at:

  • hospitals
  • convalescence homes
  • rehabilitation facilities
  • health insurance agencies

Positions held by graduates range from claims associates to hospital administrators Additionally, students are given the skills necessary to pursue graduate business degrees, such as an MBA.


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