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Forensic Science
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Forensic Science

George Mason University
Fairfax, VirginiaUSA
On campus
 3889 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science is a general forensic science degree that covers various fields within forensic science including field and laboratory applications. These topics include areas such as crime scene investigation, forensic DNA, forensic chemistry, trace evidence, firearms examination, questioned document, fingerprints, arson, and drug analysis.

This degree is intended to provide students with a well-rounded, hands-on forensic science education in order to prepare students for entrance into a graduate-level educational program, and/or entry-level professional careers in public and private forensic laboratories, federal, state, or local government/law enforcement, defense, homeland security and intelligence agencies.

Entry Requirements

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Core Modules

Survey of Forensic Science

Introduction to Criminalistics

Forensic Trace Analysis

Forensic Evidence and Ethics

Forensic Chemistry

Forensic Chemistry Laboratory

Crime Scene Investigations

Independent Research Methods

Forensic Internship

Forensic DNA Analysis

Forensic DNA Analysis Laboratory

Comprehensive Examination

Introduction to Criminal Justice

Optional Modules

Analytical Thinking and Violent Crime Profiling

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology I

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology II

Biology of Microorganisms

Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory

Medical Microbiology

Microbial Genetics

Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology II


Immunology Laboratory

Introduction to Molecular Genetics

Cell Signaling and Disease

Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Physical Chemistry I

Physical Chemistry II

Physical Chemistry Lab I

Physical Chemistry Lab II

Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis

Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Laboratory

Aquatic Environmental Chemistry

Properties and Bonding of Inorganic Compounds

Bioinorganic Chemistry

General Biochemistry I

General Biochemistry II

Biochemistry Lab


  • Public and private forensic laboratories
  • Federal, state, or local government
  • Law enforcement
  • Homeland security and intelligence agencies

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