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Medicine & Health
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Universidad Europea de Madrid
On campus
5 Years
Apply date
Sep 2025

Program Description

We train competitive professionals in the area of Scientific Dentistry, helping you embark on your path to becoming a highly qualified dentist with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully enter the employment market.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

In the first academic year, students will come into contact with basic sciences subjects that are fundamental to the training of all healthcare professionals. Our methodology is unique, with each subject completely integrated to the rest of the curriculum. Students will also be introduced to dental specialties through the Introduction to the Dental Clinic, where they will begin pre-clinical training.

Year 2

In the second academic year, you will acquire knowledge in medical pathologies and study purely dental subjects, such as biomaterials, where you will learn the main materials and their use in the profession. In addition, during Diagnosis in Dentistry, you will learn the different radiological techniques and their application, and study Occlusion and Periodontics.

Year 3

In the third academic year, you will acquire all the competencies of the different dental specialties, working in pre-clinical practices, advanced simulation environments and using virtual reality simulation and haptic technology. Learning in these settings will empower students to experience clinical training and real patient care.

Year 4

In the fourth academic year, you will continue your theoretical training in the different areas of dentistry and will continue your clinical training by performing 300 practice hours on real patients. You will be supervised at all times by your professor to ensure the correct clinical care of patients.

Year 5

In the fifth academic year, you will perform 600 clinical hours on real patients, carrying out all kinds of dental treatments. In this year, you will also carry out your final project, where you will apply and develop the training you have received to generate a personal project under supervision.


Health Area:

  • Free exercise of the profession, that is, being a self-employed dentist, setting up your own dental clinic, or working alongside other autonomous workers.
  • Primary and dependent hospital care providing dental services of the Regional Health System, private clinics and hospitals, health insurance companies, among others.
  • Pharmaceutical and dental industry

Education Field:

  • Prevention campaigns in secondary schools and university education
  • Teacher in public and private centres
  • Teacher in hospitals
  • Teacher in NGOs dedicated to dental health

Other Areas:

  • Research
  • Prisons, and legal and forensic dentistry

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