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South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
On campus
 1271 Points
5 Years

Program Description

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky provides training of specialists in Dentistry. Qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Faculty are experienced in practical and educational work, they carry out training and educational process on a high professional level.

The students of the Faculty of Dentistry study the cause, prevention, management and treatment of oral and dental disease.

Accommodation: 1200 USD per year
Preparatory Department: 1500 USD per year

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

The first year of study is focused on basic medical and clinical knowledge in the areas of anatomy, physiology, oral biology and biochemistry. First three academic years students obtain knowledge of theoretical disciplines and, starting from the 4th academic year, they begin to study clinical disciplines. Among them, there are therapeutic and orthopedic stomatology.

2-5 Years

From the 2nd academic year students of the Faculty master their skills during the practical training in the best dental clinics of Odesa. Among them:

City Dental Clinic №1
City Dental Clinic №2
City Dental Clinic №3
City Dental Clinic №4
City Dental Clinic №5
Odessa Regional Dental Clinic
Black Sea Dental Clinic
Empire Dental Clinic
City Child Dental Clinic №4

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