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Medicine & Health
Bachelor in Medicine (MD) - Koc University (KU) (Istanbul)
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Bachelor in Medicine (MD) - Koc University (KU) (Istanbul)

Koc University
On campus
 3820 Points
6 Years

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The Bachelor of Medicine (MD) is ranked #351-400 in Medicine programs and #301-400 in Clinical and Health programs.

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Program Description

Koc University School of Medicine is included in the approved schools’ lists of ECFMG (for USA Clinical Master applications), California Medical Board, and GMC (for UK Clinical Master applications), and students are supported to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).

The Koc University Hospital is located in central Istanbul and has 400 in-patient rooms, 14 operating rooms, interventional and imaging facilities, 77 intensive care units, and separate emergency services for adults and children. There is also a radiotherapy center with a particular focus on oncology, cancer, genetics, and infectious diseases.

An Advanced Learning Centre is available for students to rehearse “standard patient” practice by means of computer simulation. Students are encouraged to participate in research in various laboratories and clinics of the University including the Koc University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM).

The Bachelor of Medicine (MD) is ranked #351-400 in Medicine programs and #301-400 in Clinical and Health programs.

Entry Requirements

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Work Opportunities After Graduation

95% employability rate in the first six months after graduation. Consultations on job and internship opportunities with the dedicated Career Development Center.



Year 1

Scientific Basis of Medicine I

Scientific Basis of Medicine II

Basic Academic Writing

Academic Writing for Science and Technology

General Chemistry

Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences

Cellular and Molecular Basis of Medicine I

Cellular and Molecular Basis of Medicine II

Medical Physics


Social Sciences


Economic and Strategic Analysis

Introductıon to Programming With Python

Turkish Speech and Composition

Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding

History of Modern Türkiye

Year 2 (Pre Clinic)

Molecular & Cellular Basis of Medicine

Musculoskeletal System

Circulation & Respiration

Nutrition, Digestion & Metabolism

Endocrine, Reproductive & Urinary Systems

Brain & Behaviour

Year 3 (Pre Clinic)

Infection, Inflammation & Cellular Response

Neoplasia, Immunity, Hematology

Respiratory Diseases

Cardiovascular Disease

Muskuloskeletal Disease

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Endocrine, Reproductive & Urological Diseases

Mental And Neurological Diseases

Year 4 (Clinic)

Internal Medicine

Rational Pharmacotherapy

Obstetrics & Gynecology

General Surgery


Year 5 (Clinic)

Elective Clerkship

Muscoloskeletal Diseases

Ent | Dermatology



Evidence Based Medicine

Forensic Medicine

Clinic Ethic

Year 6 (Internship)

Internal Medicine

Emergency Medicine


General Surgery

Public Health

Gynecology and Obstetrics


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