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Law & Politics
Bachelor in Politics and Society (Major) - New Bulgarian
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Bachelor in Politics and Society (Major) - New Bulgarian

New Bulgarian University
On campus
4 Years
Apply date
Sep 2025

Affordable Tuition Fees

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Program Description

At the end of the bachelor in Politics and Society (Major), the students have acquired: knowledge of the basic concepts and categories related to the understanding of politics and society, as well as a working knowledge of the major schools of thought in this field, as well as relevant skills such as strategic analysis, team building, leadership, and so on.

They will learn during their studies in the bachelor in Politics and Society (Major), the ability to apply the major approaches in society, government, political research, political campaign organization, and the creation of political documents, strategies, programs, and platforms.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

English for Special Purposes

English for Political Science

Culture, religion, society

Le droit et les systemes juridiques

Politics: The Fundamental ideas

Basic Ideas of Sociology

Political Systems: How Are States Constructed

Semester 2

English for Special Purposes

English for Political Science

The Uses of Political Economy

Political Ideologies: Looking at the World as Political Agents

Political Anthropology: Power, Ritual and Group

International Relations: How Do States Interrelate

Mapping Europe: Spaces, Ideas and People

Year 2

Semester 3

English for Special Purposes

English for Political Science

Basic Methods of Political Analysis

Institutions: What Do They Do and Why DO We Need Them

Getting Things Done: Organizing, Lobbying and Campaigning

The Modern State: Benefits, Risks, Theories

Individuals, Masses and Citizenship

Geopolitics of Power in Europe

Conflict and War in the Contemporary World

How to write about politics?

Semester 4

English for Special Purposes

English for Political Science

Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences

The Modern Democracy: Concepts and Theories

Transitions: What Are They and Where Do They Lead

Human Rights: Where Do They Come From and Why Do We Need Them

Politics and Religion: Challenges In the 21st Century

The Rise of Evil: Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism and Fundamentalism

Nations, Ethnicity, Nationalism

Constitutional Conflicts, Crises and the Path to Civil Wars

Year 3

Semester 5

Political Parties

Political System of the EU

Political Systems of Great Britain and the USA

Questioning contemporary societies: analytical approaches and research tools

Leadership in the 21st Century

Representative Government

People and Power: Political Sociology

Cross-cultural Dialogue

Training Courses:
Practicum: Representative government
Seminar: The Political systems of UK and USA
Seminar: The Political System of EU
Practicum: Political Parties

Semester 6

Democracy And The Media

Political Systems to the East of the EU

Integration and Desintegration in Europe and Its Periphery

The European Economy: Goals and Risks of Integration

National Security: Nature and Perspectives for Development

Policies, Citizens and Participation

Elections and electoral systems

Sovereignty, International Intervention and Human Rights

Training Courses:
Practicum: Democracy and media
Practicum: Policies and Participation
Seminar: Integration and Disintegration in Europe and Its Periphery
Seminar: Political Systems to the East of the EU

Year 4

Semester 7

Groups, Teams, Organizations

Security and foreign policy in the Black sea region

The Art of Negotiations

Security in Europe: Dangers, Risks, Countermeasures

Rational Choice in Politics and Society

Europe and Islam

The West Meets the East

The Middle East - Risks and Opportunities

Training Courses:
Internship, Part I
Internship, Part II

Semester 8

Migration Policy

Political communication

EU Development Policies

Globalization and Contemporary Political Ideologies

Politics and Identity

Politics Sustainable Development

Training Courses:
Internship, Part III
Internship, Part IV

Jobs - Careers

  • Media and PR
  • Political Science
  • Experts with International Programs and Projects
  • Experts with International Government and Non-government Institutions
  • Foreign Ministries
  • International Organizations
  • Government Administration
  • Political Parties
  • NGOs
  • Research Centers and Universities

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