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Law & Politics
Political Science
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Political Science

King’s University College Western University
London, OntarioCanada
On campus
 6998 Points
4 Years

Program Description

All around us the world is changing. Security considerations, geo-politics, divisions born of wealth and poverty, and global development challenges are all re-shaping the world in fascinating and critical ways.

Political science is the field of study interested in making sense of power and authority within the global, national, provincial and local arenas.

Political Science at King’s is a vibrant community of students and award-winning faculty that offers opportunities to questions and debate policy choices and to examine alternative futures for our society. The King’s Political Science Department is committed to real student engagement and active learning.

Our faculty supports an active student club and a debating society where vibrant discussion, contentious, timely public lectures, and visits to major political institutions take place frequently. We aim to help students develop in all aspects of life- intellectually, socially and personally.

From the 2nd year, students can pursue a major, minor or specialization.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Introduction to Political Science

An introduction to the study of politics. The course focuses on ideas (including politics, power, democracy, justice, freedom), ideologies (including liberalism, conservatism, socialism, feminism), institutions (including the nation-state, constitutions, legislatures, executives, the judiciary), political mobilization (participation, elections, parties, interest groups), and research skills, emphasizing Canadian, comparative, and international examples.

International Relations

This course surveys contemporary world politics and examines contending theories used by scholars and policymakers to make sense of international affairs. It also provides the conceptual tools and theories to interpret the international system.

Introduction to Political Theory

An examination of central themes and issues in the history of political thought from ancient to modern times.

21st Century Media and Politics

This course looks critically at the role of media as a contributor to and conduit of the political process. It examines the impact of media type and journalistic practices on the distribution of information and political behaviour. Both traditional and new media will be examined in depth.

Critical Security Studies

This course introduces students to the burgeoning field of Critical Security Studies. One of the problems central to this field is that our understanding of what security means is unresolved. Themes include: security and identity; securitization; gender and security; security and technology; environmental security; and human security.


  • Law
  • Government and Public Service
  • Broadcasting and journalism
  • Intelligence
  • Public Relations
  • Consulting
  • NGO advocacy
  • International organizations
  • Business
  • Academics

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