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Law & Politics
Bachelor in Law (LLB) - Neapolis University Pafos (NUP)
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Bachelor in Law (LLB) - Neapolis University Pafos (NUP)

Neapolis University Pafos
On campus
 924 Points
4 Years

Undergraduate Scholarships up to 35%

Neapolis University Pafos offers scholarships from 20% to 35%, depending on grades, for this bachelor's degree. Apply through Brive.

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Program Description

The bachelor in Law (LLB) is the first among the Law Schools of Cyprus, to offer a single curriculum based on the Cyprus law (Anglo-Saxon law) that complies fully with the provisions of both the Greek and Cypriot law and with the decisions of the Cypriot Authorities, under whose supervision belongs.

At the same time, it responds to the European principles, in terms of academic and professional recognition and comparability of qualifications of Legal Studies (calculating credit courses, length of study, student evaluation, learning process, etc.) within the European Union.

Moreover, the curriculum in the bachelor in Law (LLB) gives the possibility to students coming from Greece and wishing to choose from the mandatory courses, as an alternative curriculum, the syllabus of Greek law. It is also noted that the syllabus required for the student to enroll as a trainee lawyer in the Bar Associations of Greece and the Legal Counsel of Cyprus is fully covered.

Degree recognized by the Greek (Hellenic NARIK) and Cyprus authorities (KYSATS).

Neapolis University Pafos offers scholarships based on criteria and conditions for its programs.

Entry Requirements

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Objective of the Program

The student:

  • Is equipped with the necessary, basic, knowledge and the necessary methodological tools to understand and be able to correctly interpret the case-law and legislative texts. While learning to distinguish the admission and influence in the Greek and Cypriot legal systems of the European Union law and international law.
  • Learns from the first year of the production process, application, and interpretation of the law.
  • understands the political and social issues affecting the adoption, implementation, and interpretation of the law.
  • Learns to investigate legal sources and interpret the adoptive law rules systematically and methodically.
  • Familiarizes themselves with the rules and secrets of legal thinking as the forensic reasoning of judicial decisions and, most importantly, is exercised to being able to articulate, write and speak legal arguments and to develop legal reasoning.
  • Is equipped with all the necessary legal skills to be able to monitor and participate, as an agent of the proceedings in litigation, draw up documents and defend arguments with legal opinion in any kind of legal controversies or disputes.
  • The former cognitive and methodological equipment ensures the ability to a career as a future combatant lawyer, legal adviser in the private and public sectors, judge, the official in an international organization, academia, etc.


  • During the last years of study in the bachelor in Law (LLB) are offered procedural courses (civil, criminal, and administrative procedure) and the practical issues of private, public, criminal, and commercial law allow the student to summarize their knowledge through internships.
  • During teaching all modern online media offered by digital technology are exploited, for the better and easier consolidation of the curriculum (PowerPoint, Moodle, e-conference, online tests, etc.). The teaching is not intended, as usually happens, to the mechanical transmission of legal knowledge ex-cathedra. It aims at fostering the student the capacity to develop legal reasoning, formulate legal arguments interpret the right rules of law, and above all prepare legal documents.
  • Finally the successful completion of the legal studies program requires the student to participate in the learning process with personal and systematic work at home or in the library. Active personal involvement also equips the student with the ability to work alone, research literature and legal sources, and acquire knowledge beyond that offered by the teacher and textbook.

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