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Journalism & Media
Media and Communication Arts
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Media and Communication Arts

Sol International School
DaejeonSouth Korea
On campus
 863 Points
4 Years
Apply date
Aug 2024

Program Description

Educating Global Digital Media Specialists! Are you game-ready for the fast-changing world of global media and cultural industry? Our program is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the skills needed to succeed in today’s dynamic, digital media industries.

You’ll be honing core industry skills such as storytelling, research methodology, and the ability to creatively articulate abstract concepts. You will learn to work within multi-channel networks in the field of digital convergence. Learning the fundamentals and how to apply them will provide you with the skills necessary to negotiate the broadcast, film and entertainment landscapes and be uniquely qualified in multi-platform media for our online, always-connected world.

The Department of Global Media & Communication Arts prepares students to use modern media communication arts to serve the artistic, cultural, educational, and informational needs of contemporary society. The program involves both critical theory and creative practice, leading to media content production, circulation, and performance as well as creation of various business opportunities within the new era of “digital technology convergence.”

Students are expected to work successfully in both critical theory courses and production activities. Graduates of the program will be prepared for employment opportunities locally and globally in the broadcasting, film and various other entertainment industries, in cable and on-line media, in video and audio production, and other areas related to global media and the cultural industries. Our graduates stand out worldwide as quality professionals in the “Korean Wave” as industry experts, performers, and marketers.

There may be additional costs by this University.

Entry Requirements

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Admission scholarships are awarded to students who meet admission criteria and include a percentage of tuition and the enrollment fee. Admission Scholarships are awarded for a one-semester period.

Admission scholarships are evaluated and awarded on the basis of academic performance, personal essay, letter(s) of recommendation, extra-curricular activities, transcripts, and the Admissions application form itself. Applicants awarded a scholarship must still demonstrate sufficient proof of personal finances exclusive of the scholarship to enter Sol International School.


Skills Learned

  • Expert Korean Wave analysis
  • Production of Media and cultural content
  • Cinematography and editing
  • Knowledge about broadcasting and film producing
  • Online media management
  • Insights on global and digital convergence
  • Graphic design
  • Screen-writing and script writing
  • Planning, directing storytelling


Year 1

Intro to Undergraduate Study

Video Production Basic

Photoshop & Illustrator

General Education

Post Production Basic

Media, Society and Technology

Visual Storytelling

Software Fundamentals Education 1

Year 2

Applied Media Aesthetics

Understanding Korean Wave

Acting for Directing

Software Fundamentals Education 2

General Education

Post Production Workshop

Media and Cultural Studies

Digital Newsroom Practice

Year 3

Drama Production

Social Media & Big Data Analysis

K-Pop Content Production

General Education

Global Culture Industry

Master Class

Studio Content Production

Year 4

Graduate Exhibition

Advanced Project Workshop

Programming for Interactive Media 1

K-Pop Sound Design

General Education

Multimedia Art

Independent Study

Programming for Interactive Media 2

Media Business & Start-up


  • TV and drama production
  • Staff in professional entertainment companies
  • Culture and media department administrator
  • Content business planner
  • Cultural / movie critic and analyst
  • Entertainment analyst
  • Screen/script writer
  • Korean wave industry expert / performer/ marketer
  • Cinematographer
  • Broadcasting
  • Film & Entertainment industries
  • Cable and on-line media professional
  • Video and audio production expert

Graduates of our department are ready to work:

  • In media and cultural organizations around the world, and will include some of the top film, TV production, journalism, network, and entertainment companies.
  • At jobs in exciting careers: planning, directing, story- telling, script writing and producing high quality media and cultural content.
  • As screen writers, cultural critics and entertainment analysts.
  • In the new media broadcast industry, as content business planners, as well as culture and media department administrators.

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