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Engineering Sciences
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (BSc) - Pecs (PTE)
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Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (BSc) - Pecs (PTE)

University of Pecs
On campus
 873 Points
3 Years, 6 Months

Program Description

This bachelor in Electrical Engineering (BSc) ensures competence in performing measurement, evaluation, control, and management tasks in the field of electricity. Apart from learning the bases of electrical and electronic engineering within the frame of the study at our institution, the students will become members of a technology society involving them in complex projects and developments already during their university years.

Electrical Engineer's own complex knowledge is now most wanted in Europe. Companies acting in the most dynamically developing industry field on the Earth ranging from nuclear power plants to microelectronic companies, from small-scale teams to multi-continental firms are waiting for you.

Entry Requirements

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Year 1

Semester 1

Engineering mathematics 1

Computer programming 1

Electrical engineering 1

Semester 2

Basic IT 2

Quality management 1

Electronics 1

Year 2

Semester 3

Basic laws, equations and models 3

Electromagnetic fields

Measurement technology 1

Semester 4

Industrial law

Electrical power conversion 1

Communications systems

Year 3

Semester 5

Electromagnetic compatibility


Computer Networks 1

Semester 6

Embedded computer programming 1

Design of microelectronic systems

Digital logic design 4

Year 4

Semester 7

Programmable logic controllers

Embedded computer programming, Autonomous intelligent systems


Jobs - Careers

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electronic Engineer

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